Sunday, September 4, 2011

popsicles and piston cups

I went on a popsicle spree!  Mango lime, Thai coffee, key lime, blueberry lemon, and buttermilk grapefruit.  That last one I tried because it sounded so odd but it's actually pretty darn tasty.

Then we woke Banjo from her 22 hours a day of sleep.

This is new favorite picture of these 3.

Henry decided he "needed" to go into the garage.  When I told him he needed shoes, he went for what he calls the "the fantastic" shoes.  That's my son, and yes I blurred out the goods.

Then he found a trophy that Mark found God knows where, and it became his new Piston Cup. Notice the pink fantastic shoes are still on.

He had to test out the Piston Cup's powers, so he took it for a spin.  Kids are fun.

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