Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You said you wanted to look younger

Actually, I said I didn't want to look like a soccer mom. People tend to want to add mad layers to my hair, and it makes me crazy. Today I ended up with 6 inches gone, and the reappearance of bangs. Exact same hair cut I had at 4. Apparently, I was way ahead of my time with that look. Works for me.

Mark's rep launched his long awaited new site today. We are very excited! It's pretty slick! Must be working, Mark got 3 inquiries today. Yeah new site!

Check it out at

Henry sure knows how to make the dogs look good.

Henry is throwing a giant fit because he doesn't want to take a nap. Meanwhile, in our room, Banjo is peacefully sleeping next to me. The pups got a late breakfast, and not a single complaint.

Oh, no, I was just hit with fatal nose burning gas! I may have to retract this post!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All kinds of happy...

Henry, Gigi, ice-cream. Enough said

Added bonus, he called a squirrel a squeak!

Mrs Miller

I hear this 400 times a day, or so it seems. This is my third year with these kids, and I love it. We've got our groove, they know what they can get away with, and i know how to react when they don't. There was a learning curve for me as a teacher. That first year, pregnant, and new, was a challenge. Having to memorized 200+ kids with a jello brain was darn near impossible. That years eighth grade class will always remain dear to my heart. I'm pretty sure they tested me more than any other class, but they were also very sweet, in their hormone filled ways. They definitely made me feel like the "cool" teacher, and conversations had in that class, have not been repeated with their predecessors.

Right before Henry was due, Ebva, a kindergartner came up and said "you know what Mrs. Miller, you're going to bleed, and it's going to hurt." She was right. My favorite still is Eliaz. Eliaz is a little boy with a sweet smile, who rarely takes a breath. He was telling me all about his Thanksgiving. The conversation went like this. "We had Thanksgiving at my grandmas house, and we had turkey and mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. There was apple pie too. All my brothers, and my sister and my cousins were there. I had a dream last night, but it wasn't like Martin Luther King's, this one was about lasers." How do you top that? .

So yes, teaching rocks, most of the time. I can see the kids improving, and their little minds opening. They impress me. My second graders were looking at the first graders projects, and remarked, "oh, their doing Matisse.". I swooned! They not only remembered the project, but remembered the artist! A's for all of you!!! It's nice to see the kids that struggle in other classes, shine in mine. Some days are harder than others, some classes are harder than others, well, one class is harder than others, but it's all worth it. The problem with being an art teacher, is job security. It's understandably, hard to get parents to pay for school when funds are tights. The end of the year is approaching, and a new a principle is coming in. Fingers crossed I will back here again next year.

What other job do you get this kind of review?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Katie Jean

Yesterday, we met the adorable Katie Jean, my new niece! She is such a tiny little peanut. I'm pleased to say Henry has gone from pointing out babies features in a violent manner, to being very sweet! He even gave her a little kiss on the cheek. Pretty darn adorable. Henry was in heaven with his cousins, and all their boy toys. Trucks, bikes, and motor cycles, oh my!

On an additional note, on our trip to Costco, Henry happily took a sample from "Santa" the guy wearing a hairnet on his face.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Everything fits!

Well except this. This is one of Mark's onsies from way back in the day. His mom gave it to me and I found it while cleaning out H's closet. Pretty cute! Everything in his dresser fits him right now. Tomorrow, is a different story.

My agility pig

I've been trying to get my tiny, agile boxer to go up Henry's playset, and down his slide. She flat out refuses. Gigi on the other hand, my pleasantly plump bulldog, jumped right in! That Gigi, she's a crack up!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A gift giving guide...

The invites are out, the rsvp's are coming in, and the stress is rising. The invites are getting great reviews, and have lead to the inevitable, "what can I get Henry". Giving gift ideas makes me queezy. It is perfectly acceptable to show up with a bottle of wine, or a six pack for an adult birthday party, it doesn't quite work for kids (although, we would be fine with that). The thing is, when we get an invitation, I always call and ask what the kid needs. So I'm torn. I'm not a fan of registering for parties (weddings and baby showers excluded) I kinda understand why someone would. It alleviates having to actually tell people what to get, and just gives guests a checklist of ideas. He doesn't need anything, but i realize that that isn't going to fly, and i remember being a kid. Presents rock! So, here's a list of things Henry likes, and would be thrilled to receive.

Thomas the tank engine is his love. He has several actual Thomas trains, but surprisingly, doesn't have a Henry. They have a junior Thomas line, and those trains don't work well on his tracks, so avoid the junior line. Pretty much anything Thomas, other than actual Thomas, will be loved.

A scooter. They have a Jr Radio Flyer that seems perfect for a toddler. Two wheels in front, one in the back. He would love a skateboard, but he's not quite ready for it yet.

Safety gear, for said scooter. Knee pads, elbow pads I'm not positive the small ones will fit him yet, but we are trying to drive, safety first, into his brain. He already really good about grabbing his helmet, might as well continue. Plus, if his buddy Nicky has it his way, he will be jumping off ramps soon.

Hot wheels are always a hit.

Outdoor tonka trucks. I think they are metal, and yellow. Dump truck, cranes, etc.

Zip up sweatshirts, and pajamas. Size 2.

A toy guitar, or tar as he calls it.

Books are great!

Cucumbers, olives, and gallons of milk.

Pez, the candy, not the dispensers. Mark has past on several dozen pez, and we are always out of candy.

The new 4 door Cooper. He would like it in navy blue, please. Can't hurt to ask? ;)

Those are my ideas today. But please, feel free to just show up with a smile. Playing with his friends and family is worth more than any gift.

Bite, bite, biting

Banjo loves to bite the rubber bands that eternally live on my wrist. Henry watched, and said "bite, bite, biting!". His change of tense surprised me. When did he pick that up? He uses past tense all times, but never changed it mid sentence. His annunciation is pretty good, and he keeps refining it. For instance, Henny, is now Henwy. Some of them make me sad. Mice, which used to be squeaks, are now mice. Mama became mommy long ago, but that was a tough one. He still says Draa ma (grandma), hampa, (grandpa), wooocy, (Lucy), aiked (naked), waasent (elephant), there are more, but these come to mind. I hope he keeps some of these up a little longer. For now I will treasure all his little saurus comments (dinosaur).

Henry loves his biting dog!

He does not love grass! His Papa has the same hatred of the prickly turf. There is an almost identical picture, minus the big smile, of Mark, as a kid. Like father like son I suppose!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Goodbye uncle Steefe, and aunti Teen

Henry has had a great week with his uncle and soon to be aunt! We had an early birthday celebration for H. He loves his new, vintage record player. It was sweet to see Henry's connection to them. H had had a melt down, mommy only moment right before they came over. I was overjoyed when Henry started calling for "Steefe!" after he stepped out side. And it wasn't just because it got him to stop hanging on me, but, it did add to the joy. Of course the little buger wouldn't say "Teen" until 2 minutes after they walked out the door.

Banjo will miss them too!

Come back soon!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sad song says so much

My brother was playing a slow song on the piano today. Henry announced the song was sad and actually started to get upset. Who knew music would effect him so deeply. Thankfully, Kristine was there to let him play happy songs.

I spent the morning at Panera working on their wedding invitation and overhearing a gaggle of women talking about their kids. Listening to these women makes me love my friends, and fellow teachers more. One woman was talking about her child's poor grades. She then deducted that only certain subjects were important, so she was only going to push her daughter towards those subjects. These are elementary school kids. Jeez, I'm glad she's not one of my parents. After that I got a much needed massage with my mom and Kristine. Then got approval on the wedding invitations. Hooray!

Myles... And Elena

Henry loves Elena, and will always be excited to see her, but there has been a recent sea change. When I tell Henry that we are going to go see his friends, he immediately says "Myles!!!!". It's a subtle shift from the kid I poke in the eyes, to the kid I like to play with. I'm sorry E, but it seems H is choosing teams. Besides, Myles has much better toys! I'm just happy he enjoys playing with such intelligent, well adjusted, bpa free kids!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy birthday bro

We had an early birthday party for my brother Stephen. He and my soon to be sister-in-law, Kristine, are in town from New York. Henry even got a little practice for his upcoming big day!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lovely Lillie

The cat who hates everyone seemed to tolerate Henry. Thanks Lillie Mae, I appreciate it! The lack of puke was nice too.

We also discovered we are being grossly overcharged for sushi rolls, because our crew seems to be masters at it. In addition to sushi, friends are also great as human jungle gyms. It was another great supper club, thanks in part to our lovely hosts, Jeff and Liv +1. Fun times!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fun with Frankie

After much rescheduling, we made it to René (and Curtis') house. It's a sweet Spanish style home in Fullerton. It was very hard to get my kid, who is extremely afraid of dogs, to play with this viscous pit bull. If you're not catching the irony, you don't know me very well.

Henry had a great time running around with Frankie, and playing with Curtis' "robots". He also pointed out René's "fwagile" frames. It was a fun day for him, and much needed catch up with Renè.

His face is looking a little better. More scabs, less swelling.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Road Rash

Henry fell off his rocket and used his face to break his fall. Hoping it's a quick heal. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Evening Musings

Today was filled with random little tantrums. I'm pretty sure those nasty molars are giving his gums hell. Inspite of that, he's been pretty funny. Again with the things he picks up. He really wanted to take Rodi on a walk. We compromised, leaving him by the front door with a snack cup. When he got home, he knocked over the snack cup.

"Oh, no! Axdent!!!"

Guess he's learning accident early. Funny little boy.

Morning Musings

Henry woke up in our bed after a not so easy night. Here's how the conversation went...
H- "hi"

Me- "hi"

H pointing at Mark- "DADDY

(s) Leeping



I couldn't help but laugh! He's picking up on things left and right.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Uncle Dan

Henry misses you. He also thinks you suffer from narcolepsy.


I wasn't going to write about Japan, because it's just so hard to face. I don't want to concentrate on the tragedy of this earthquake > tsunami > nueclear meltdowns, lives being risked, lives being lost, animals, eco systems, everything destroyed. It is the last thing you want to think about, especially when you have a little one. Right now, it is unavoidable. It is everywhere, and the aftermath just keeps getting more depressing. I naively pray that this is the closest devestation that will ever touch Henry. That is the thing about becoming a parent, you become very self centered. Or at least child centered. The world becomes much more scary, and your own life becomes much more precious. My goal in life is to keep him safe and happy. Taking risks with my own, no more, not that i really lived the wild child life style to begin with.

I just read about a four month old who was found in the rubble four days later. She had been swept away from her parents, and found in another house. I can't even imagine, it literally sickens me with despair when thinking of that tiny baby on her own for 4 days. She was reunited with her parents who both survived, and were waiting in what once was their house. The whole thing is a miracle. These events just trigger this need to hold him, and worry about the inevidable. It's a side of me that didn't really exist before him. I know this is just par for the course in parenting, and i'd much rather worry about these things, than be the type of parent that doesn't. So for now, I will try to untwist my stomach, face the music, and steer Henry through this crazy world.

New favorite!

I have been looking for this color for awhile now. It has the right opaque neutral color, with just a hint of pink. Essie, sand tropez, I'm a fan!

Prolapsed uterus

Mark drew this dog, and Henry added to it. I'm pretty sure it's a prolapsed uterus, but I could be wrong.