Sunday, February 10, 2013

5/52 Hollywood

We took Henry and Elena to see Peter Pan at the El Capitan. They loved it, and it Hollywood Blvd. was a lot less stress than I imagined.  After the movie the two of them ran around this fountain until Henry got confused and took a header right into the water! Thankfully, I caught it on film 

As usual, I took way to many pictures. Here's am edited version of the day.  We had more fun than I expected!

If you haven't been to Sweet Candy Store, it is worth checking out.  It's every child's dream store, but I fear it won't be around long.  It was empty!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

4/52 snow!

Well, our version of it.  Elena turned 5!  I have a hard time believing that and excepting that henry will be 4 in the coming months.  She wanted a Periwinkle party.  For those of you not up on your Tinkerbell trivia, Periwinkle is Tinkerbell's sister from the snow.  Carrie clung to the snow theme, which is admirable.  I should post more pictures of the party.  It turned out really cute! For now you get Henry in a pool of polymer snow!

3/52 Train Track

RIP little Train Track.  Henry found a "cow-a-piwwar", he affectionally named Train Track.  We found him wriggling around on his back, which should have been a sign.  He lasted 2 days, they we had to put him back outside so he could go back to his family.  Henry took it better than expected.

2/52 climber

Week 2.  California was actually cold this week!  High's in the 50's is practically freezing here. It gave me an excuse to fight with my kid about different topics, like wearing a hat, keeping your warm jacket on, and adjusting car seat straps to fit said coat.  All these restrictions didn't keep him down. Tree hugging monkey boy.

1/52 hello, again

As you may have noticed, Im not great at this whole blogging thing. I even have some I've written and not posted.  Perhaps you will see those later.  I'm easing back in to the blogging thing with a little challenge. For the new year, I don't really have any resolutions other than to take a photo of the week of Henry.  I'm going to try to use the DSLR as much as possible, but sometimes the old iPhone is just as good and certainly more convenient.  

So now that we are in February(oops), I guess I better get to it!

This was Mark's birthday.  We were on our way to a model train expo, because where else would Mark want to spend his birthday?  Henry is still all trains all the time.