Thursday, November 10, 2011

our miracle dane

Kane Herman Miller turns an amazing 13.  With a life expectancy of 8-10 years, my boy is an absolute miracle.  We love him more everyday!  

I made him chicken livers, his favorite!  He did not eat this whole plate, but he got his fair share.

Happy birthday big guy!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was a busy day full of pictures, so we are breaking it into three sections. Here's the first dose of cuteness!

woody and buzz

Banjo and Henry year three!  Thankfully Henry had the Woody shirt, and the rest of the costume came together.  And, even though Mark hates it when I dress up the dog, he couldn't help but think this is the cutest thing ever! Well, maybe he didn't use those words.  

new site is up!

wishing you happiness is up and running!  My goal was to get it up by Halloween, and I made it just in the nick of time! I'm pretty excited.  The site still needs some tweeks, but i feel like i'm going places!  hooray!

i made this....

I scored a groupon for a jewelry class at Studio DeLucca in Long Beach.  In the end, Rene and I were the only ones who showed up for the class, so we ended up with private lessons.  We had a fabulous time!  They do parties too, if you need a fun idea, for a good time.  I highly recommend it!

Friday, November 4, 2011

why I love Mark

He writes on cracker boxes and makes me laugh.  I have to admit, they are awesome.

California Adventure with the kiddos

I am determined to get Elena on the Little Mermaid ride.  She refuses me.  That little bugger is stubborn.  I will not give up though.  She did get me on the lady bug spinning ride.  Not my favorite ride, Myles, and Henry were not big fans either.  We made up for it by going on the Hamlet bug train 50 times in a row.  Disneyland at night is the key.  No lines and tired kids when you get home, perfection.

america's next top model

Henry gets top photo in the house this week.  Very editorial. I love the colors.

Who knew throwing Elena's costumes around would be so fun!

Myles was a passive observer.  Elena was at school, or i'm sure she would have participated in the action.  

Haunted Mansion

I thought for sure we were going to scare H to the core on the Haunted Mansion.  He surprised us with, "It's just spooky for Halloween!" Smarty pants! I'm pretty proud of him.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

pumpkin patch

look at those rugged good looks.

Here you go sheep.

Hello llama.
