Thursday, April 11, 2013

13/52 peter pan

My boy is 4. Well, at his party he was almost 4.  My dad was out of town for his actual day. So we had it a little early.  I was shocked that he switched from a train theme to Peter Pan, but more than delighted to get on board with that one. Carrie and I put on our thinking caps and went to town.  There was a lot of garland involved.  I was planning on collaging these pictures together, but Carrie talked me out of it, and frankly, we put in enough work making it hard to edit.  So enjoy my tons of pics!

Mark took Carrie's playground and built a boat front end on it, and my Dad and Darla made teepees.  Perfect for pirates and Indians! It all came together better than I expected!   

Henry was so happy all his buddies came, and were even dressed up.  I am still shocked he kept his Peter Pan costume on the whole time (thank you Grandma Donna, for your amazing sewing skills)!  Carrie and I found the perfect Wendy dress for Elena, and she looked adorable.  Henry talked all week about how excited he was to see her. "She's going to think I look brilliant" was his quote of the week. Watching these two melts my heart.  I love that they are still so close, which works out well for their arranged marriage.  His buddy Ryder showed up as Captain Hook, and made his day! I'm not sure I've ever seen him so happy, especially being the center of attention.  He felt loved, which is really all I can ask for.


I still can't believe the party is over. Thanks to all the friends who came, and to all the help given to us.  A special thanks to Sarah Bordelon, the 13 year old photographer extraordinaire.  I can't thank her enough for her crazy skills, and for letting me enjoy the party and not worry about taking pictures.  If you need a photographer let me know!  She's amazing.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

12/52 life

This is the my life in one picture.

12/52 40 inches!

Henry is now big enough to ride big kid rides!  Hooray!  This is a rare appearance of me in a pic, so it had to get used.

11/52 Brokeh

Brokeh you are my freind! 

10/52 buddies

I will never get sick of these two.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

9/52 New lens!!!

Momma got a new lens, and I'm pretty pleased! This is the first unedited shot from my new little baby.  It's a 50 mm fixed lens.  I haven't quite perfected it, but it has been a fun learning process.

8/52 Supers

Boys, gotta love them.  enough said.

7/52 sleepy boy

Henry often naps in our bed. There is nothing sweeter that a sleeping kiddo, and I love that he is holding his favorite stuffed animal, bunny. I know these days are fleeting, and I'm trying to soak them all in.

6/52 fairytail

I helped coach a very promising young photographer, Sarah, this week in hopes of her getting accepted to OCSA.  She was doing a portfolio based on Into the Woods, so Henry got cast as Jack, and Elena got cast as Little Red Riding Hood.  She took some amazing photographs of Henry and Elena. I was going to use one of her pictures as my photo of the week, but that kind of defeats the purpose of this exercise, and I just love everything about this picture.  So sweet and magical.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

5/52 Hollywood

We took Henry and Elena to see Peter Pan at the El Capitan. They loved it, and it Hollywood Blvd. was a lot less stress than I imagined.  After the movie the two of them ran around this fountain until Henry got confused and took a header right into the water! Thankfully, I caught it on film 

As usual, I took way to many pictures. Here's am edited version of the day.  We had more fun than I expected!

If you haven't been to Sweet Candy Store, it is worth checking out.  It's every child's dream store, but I fear it won't be around long.  It was empty!