Saturday, April 30, 2011

I love you!

Henry gave me the greatest wakeup greeting. He looked into my groggy eyes and said "I love you." and even sealed it with a kiss! Such an over achiever. Doesn't he know mother's day is still a week away? Guess he'll just have to figure out way to top it!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Atlantis Nostagia

Today we visited an old stomping ground for me.  Atlantis Park!  I love it's untouched kitchiness.  They have made it a safer than it was in the early eighties, but for the most part, it is pretty much as I remembered.  We took Henry last summer, but this time he was old enough to really love it.  Fun was had by all!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ducks in a Row

You know what is awful about an artist being married to an artist? No one likes doing the finances. It is not one of our strong suits, but I am slightly better at it than Mark. Yeah me! Today was a bunch of phone calls and budgeting. At least it did end with me on the phone with an insurance advisor saying we were in the right plan. It's always nice to hear you're doing something right. Whoo, glad today is done and I'm feeling a wee bit better about things. I think I'm due for a tall glass of wine.

Good thing I have this tiny tiger to keep me laughing!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Henry 6 to 12 months

YouTube is not cooperating, so here is the second half.  enjoy!

And for the record, "In the Jungle" was Henry's song choice, not mine.

Henry's first year

My mom and Mark saved me today.  This stupid flu.  I feel okay if I'm in bed, but as soon as I start moving around, my head want to explode and my joints hurt.  This bed rest has given me the time to finally finish Henry's 6 to 12 month video. His 6 month video was finished in a timely fashion, but the second half got delayed due to hard drive malfunction.  Since my blogging skills also got delayed, I'll put both up now.  Hooray one year done!

Good News/Bad News

Good news, it looks like Banjo is going to be alright. She's still limping, but is putting pressure on that leg again. Keeping the crazy girl on bed rest was a little easier given my bad news.

I'm sick. It's spring break so it makes sense that I would get the flu that has been making it's way through my family. For those of you reading this without kids, enjoy your days of being able to have a true sick day where you get to sleep it off. I miss those kind of sick days. God bless Nick Jr and unopened birthday presents! Well, and when I do sleep it keeps Banjo off her leg. Bright side noted, bring on the theraflu.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Splash in the Garden

As you know, Henry likes dirt. I usually trying to avoid him getting dirty right before bed. Today , he decided to put a new spun on his muddy adventures. Instead of wanting to cover himself in dirt, he simply wanted to "splash in the garden." How can say no to that? Maybe he'll be in advertising.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter in a picture based nutshell.  Wake up to a balloon trail left by the Easter bunny, and of course, eggs! Breakfast with Carrie and her family. Dinner (not many pictures) with Andy, Kim, Roger, Jeff and Liv.  It was a good day!

The limp

Easter was very fun, and I'll post pictures as soon I upload them from my "real" camera. Right now I'm worried about my first baby, Banjo. She is limping around today. She was diagnosed with hip dysphasia as a puppy and will have episodes every now and then. After a few days of rest, she's usually up and at'em again. This is day one. I'm hoping and praying for a speedy recovery. I hate seeing my little girl in pain, and I miss my little bouncing shadow.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Best Easter Ever

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today.  Henry was born the day before Easter, Holy Saturday.  I didn't really hit me around his birthday.  With the blur of parties and illness, I don't think I had time to reflect.  Today, I pulled out a bunch of baby gear for our friend Liv and Jeff's little one on the way. Seeing all the tiny gear, and all the Easter stuff brought me back to that first wonderful Easter.  The day he was born was exhausting, and not at all what I had planned.  On Easter, I was able to enjoy this little tiny miracle.  

As much as I loved this tiny little guy, being able to have this conversation is even better!  

End of the madness?

I think Henry's birthday is officially over! René came over to deliver the final gifts. He has become a very good gift receiver. Lots of awesomes, and thank yous At one point he looked at Renè over his new dump trunk and said "I like it!". He even appreciated the packaging!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thank You Easter Bunny!

 a bit unsure
 Warming up
 This guy's alright!

Henry loved the Easter Bunny!  It was not the traditional large guy in suit Easter Bunny.  This one was more like an animatronic puppet.  It could hear the kids, and would talk with them.  Henry  brought his little bunny, a gift from a dear friend, Pat, when he was just a newborn.  That little rabbit really lightened the mood.  Henry made it hop, and had the rabbit give him kisses.  It took Henry from unsure to comfortable.  It was pretty cute.  He even put that little bunny on his lap when he was on the merry go round.  

And he's out.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Apparently, little boys have no problem being dirty. Really, really dirty. Dirty to the point where 2 shampoo's still didn't get all the dirt out of his scalp. When he laid down there was a tiny dirt pile that had been hiding in his ear. He is very found of filling his new dump truck with dirt, and then throwing it everywhere. I don't get it.

Put that kid in the pictures.

We spent the afternoon with Julie and Luke in Santa Monica. Luke had an audition for a sports company. Luke was meeting his "new family" while Henry was busy hitting on the ladies. Auditions for kids are pretty fun. All they do is run around around and play with each other. We had a good time.