Sunday, March 10, 2013

9/52 New lens!!!

Momma got a new lens, and I'm pretty pleased! This is the first unedited shot from my new little baby.  It's a 50 mm fixed lens.  I haven't quite perfected it, but it has been a fun learning process.

8/52 Supers

Boys, gotta love them.  enough said.

7/52 sleepy boy

Henry often naps in our bed. There is nothing sweeter that a sleeping kiddo, and I love that he is holding his favorite stuffed animal, bunny. I know these days are fleeting, and I'm trying to soak them all in.

6/52 fairytail

I helped coach a very promising young photographer, Sarah, this week in hopes of her getting accepted to OCSA.  She was doing a portfolio based on Into the Woods, so Henry got cast as Jack, and Elena got cast as Little Red Riding Hood.  She took some amazing photographs of Henry and Elena. I was going to use one of her pictures as my photo of the week, but that kind of defeats the purpose of this exercise, and I just love everything about this picture.  So sweet and magical.