Thursday, August 11, 2011

baby farm animals

Mark and I have a ton of old children's books, way more than the average person should have.  We read a few before bed every night.  Tonight he turned to me and asked, "what do you want to read?" I didn't respond thinking he was just repeating what I ask him, but he repeated "Mommy, what do you want to read?"  Then he found the book!  Amazing!  I was a bit floored by his generosity! This particular book was his choice, and one we recently dug out.  The illustrations are amazing!  Way to go Garth Williams!  Henry had his own take on what was going on in these pictures.  Here are some of my favorite observations.

That black sheep is walking in the grass.  He is loud, he is whining.  He is going to the barn.

Look that titty-tat's trying to get the butterfly.  That one is getting the ant.  Ah, that titty-tat is smelling the flower. It smells nice!

That rabbit is jumping in the grass.  That rabbit is silly.  Rabbits eat carrots.  Oh no, those weasels took the rabbit's tail.

That donkey took the rabbit's juicy carrots.

That pig is sleeping in a nest. He is tired.  That pig is in the grass.  That pig is looking for wiggle worms.

Oh no, that dog has doo doo. 

(I then explain that it is the black dog's leg.) 

No Mommy, doo doo. 

That dog is driving the horsy. He is driving in the front seat.  The titty tat is driving in the back seat.  That has big wheels that go rooooound.  

That cow is too loud.

Goodnight all!

1 comment:

  1. I think that Henry should write chidlren's books. :)
