Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm pretty sure he's trying to kill me

And see how happy he is about it? It has been a trying week to parent this 2 year old. He has been a bit bipolar. It's either a screaming rage over me torturing him with things like putting on clothes all the while testing everything I say, or insisting on being attached to me. And by attached, I mean me laying on the couch with him on top of me and his hand on my throat. Grabbing my throat is his comfort move. He's like a mobster who will shower you with love, but makes sure you know he could take your life at a moments notice. Despite the implied death threat, I usually find this move endearing. This has worn off, at least for this week. My neck needs to recover It may also have lost it's appeal because I am yelled at or whined at, with not much in-between all day. I HATE whining, and am low on patience for it. He put himself in "time out" this week, so maybe some of my discipline is somewhat sinking in.

Our other fun issue besides the separation anxiety, and the rage, has been the sleeping. I'm pretty sure he's hit the terrible two trifecta. It started when we got home from Nashville. He would be up 2,3,4 times a night. I went with it for a while thinking he'd get over it, but this week I had to be mean mommy. Henry has never been a great sleeper, but we had established a routine of him going to bed at 7:30, waking up around 5, sucking down a bottle of milk (don't judge) and then going back to sleep until 6:30 on a good day, 7:00. This week when he started crying at midnight, I went back to my sleep training ways of putting him back down. I was sweet about it. Then it got to "lay down, close your eyes, I'm not coming back in here." This seems to be working better. Perhaps this is why he is so clingy. He has to make sure I still love him in the morning.

The saying "God made them cute so you won't kill them." has been uttered on several occasions this week. Here's hoping next week will be better, and all in all it could be much worse. He still has me laughing, pulling out my hair and bandaging my neck, but still laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm my kids would both crawl back in to my uterus if they could so I am not one to give you advice... I cannot go to the bathroom alone, get dressed alone, do anything without tripping over two kids, two cats and two dogs....
